
Wednesday 4 February 2015

52 Weeks of Memories | 5: Bedtime

Finding Myself Young 52 Weeks of Memories

Bedtime. At the moment, I long for bedtime. M is still getting me up incredibly early, so by lunchtime I'm ready to drop. Neither girls have naps in the afternoon - B has no naps at all. As much as I love them, bedtime is most welcome. A chance to cuddle them both in bed, whilst lying down! An opportunity for a sneaky nap before I head back downstairs to be a grownup for an hour or two. And they're so beautiful when they're asleep, cuddling each other or holding hands, or even wiggling around until they're lying top to toe. 

I didn't want to risk waking them with the flash, so I had to take a picture of bedtime prep. Pyjamas lain out on the bed, while Daddy does bathtime and I get 15 minutes to myself. Bliss. 

What does bedtime look like in your house?

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